Family tree

Another hobby of mine is creating and maintaining a family tree.
In my family tree I place relatives such as my ancestors,
parents, uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces.

My father's last name is just like me: van der Meulen.
His mother, my grandmother, is called Bosch from her last name.
My mother is married to my father.
Her father, my grandfather, is called Nijntjes from his last name.
Her mother, my grandmother, is called Lispet from her last name.

van der Meulen descended from old mills.
My ancestors from Dokkum had a corn mill in Dokkum.
That is a mill from which grain/corn flour is ground.
So my ancestors are Frisian.
It also used to be called Vrieslant with a V and a T.
Later it became Vriesland until after Napoleon.
Much later after Napoleon they found it time for a change
and they made it Friesland.
The latest change is that it is now also called Fryslân in addition to
the Dutch word Friesland.

Bosch my grandmother's last name most likely descends from
the current Dutch word bos (forest).
Names used to be generally used to identify people.
For example the one van der Meulen was someone from a mill.
Exactly where it came from is unclear.
There is speculation here and there about the Dutch language.
Some of the Dutch language has Roman origins.

Nijntjes my grandfather's last name derives from my name Arnold
or actually the other way around. Nijntjes is a surname.
Arnold is a patronymic of Nijntjes and Noij.
In the old days a son was also called sone.
Nijntjes most likely descends from Noijdekenssone.
So a degeneration of Noijdekenssone has become the surname Nijntjes.
You can see the patronymic relationship at the bottom of the page.
Most people with surname Nijntjes live in North Holland (Noord-Holland).
Noij probably originated from the family name Noël from the Italian town
or Italian hamlet of Angrogne.
They fled from Italy to Kleve (Germany) in the 16th century
and changed the name to Neij or Noij.
The family was also members when the municipality of Emmerik (Germany)
was founded.

Lispet my grandmother's last name is almost clear within our family tree.
French people used to have swords.
L'éspée means "the sword"
Lispet is therefore a degeneration of the sword.
It is also clear where the naming was registered.
In Couthuin.
From Couthuin in Belgium they went via Maastricht to Delft and The Hague.
Possibly a L'éspée had designed a certain type of sword or was a blacksmith whose
sole purpose was to make swords.
We also have some geneological matches with France's vital data index.
Couthuin may have previously belonged to France.
The borders were not as they are now.
One thing is certain. Lispet comes from France.

I also searched on the surnames for any history during
the 2nd world war.
On our family names there are no similarities at all regarding.
collaboration so far.
However, there are matches in a victim database.
On the family name van der Meulen there is a match but this seems to
to do with a different origin of the van der Meulen family.
See more about the victims on the War History page.

More information about my family tree and a possible DNA match
can be found on MyHeritage for the time being.
(Hint: on MyHeritage you can adjust the view at the top right to 3 generations,
or go to the family tree view)

the patronymic relationship between Arnold and Nijntjes and Noijdekenssone
can be seen below.
With reference to the work of Leendert Brouwer
who conducted research as a guest researcher at the Meertens Institute.
To be found in:
Van Quast naar Kwast, van Quist naar Kwist. De "Werkgroep ad hoc Spelling

Aardse, Aarends, Aarens, Aarents, Aarnoudse,
Aarnout, Aarnouts, Aarnoutse, Aarnoutsen, Aarns,
Aarnts, Aarntzen, Aars, Aarse, Aarsen,
Aarsse, Aarssee (ée), Aarssen, Aart?, Aarten,
Aartse, Aartsen, Van Aartsen?, Aartsma, Aartssen,
Aarzen, Aerends, Aerens, Aernaudts, Aernds,
Aernoudts, Aernout, Aernouts, Aerns, Aers,
Aerssen, Aerssens, Ahrend, Ahrends, Ahrendt,
Ahrens, Ahrensmann, Ahrndt, Ardts, Arend,
Arende, Arends, Arendse, Arendsen, Arendsman,
Arendsz, Arendt, Arendts, Arendz, Arenoe,
Arenout, Arens, Arense, Arensen, Arensma,
Arensman, Arent, Arents, Arentse, Arentsen,
Arentz, Arentze, Arentzen, Arenz, Aret,
Arets, Aretz, Arnaud, d'Arnaud?, Arnds,
Arndt, Arndts, Arndtz, Arnecke, Arnken,
Arnoe, Arnold, Arnoldi, Arnoldissen, Arnolds,
Arnoldson, Arnoldt, Arnoldts, Arnoldus, Arnoldussen,
Arnoldy, Arnolli, Arnoti, Arnou, Arnoud,
Arnoudse, Arnould, Arnousse, Arnout, Arnouts,
Arnowitz, Arnoys, Arns, Arnts, Arntsen,
Arntz, Arntzen, Arntzenius, Arnz, Arnzen,
Ars, Arts, Artz, Haarts, Haartsen,
Harends, (Harens), Harent, Naaije (y), Naaijen (y),
Naaijkens (y), Naatje?, Naeije (y) (é), Naijen (y), Nau,
Naudin, Naudts, Nauen, Naus, Nauts,
Nauw, Nauwen, Nei, Neij (y), Neid,
Neideken, Neidt, Neijds (y), Neijdt, Neijens (y),
Neijt (y), Neiken, Neikes, Neu?, Neuen,
Neulen, Neulens, Neus? Neuss?, Neusz?, Neut,
Neutgens, Neutjes, Neutkens, Neutkes, Neuij (y),
Neuijen (y), Niehe?, Nijdeken (y), Nije (y), Nijens,
Nijnens, Nijns, Nijntjes, Nod, Nods,
Noij (y), Noijen (y), Noijens (y), Nol, Nolde,
Nolden, Noldes, Noldus, Nolen, Nolens,
Nolet, Nolke, Nölkes, Nolle, Nölle,
Nollee (ée), Nollen, Nöllen, Nolles, Nollet,
Nöllgen, Nols, Nolsen, Nolson, Nolta?,
Nolte, Noltee, Nolten, Noltes, Nolthenius,
Noltus, Nolzen, Nooi, Nooij (y), Nooijens (y),
Noot, Nooten, Noots, Not, Noten,
Nöthen, Nott, Notte (é), Notten, Nottet,
Noudt, Nouens (ë), Nouien (ê), Noukens, Nous,
Nouse, Noussen, Nout, Nouwe, Nouwens,
Nouwes, Nouws, Nouwt, Nuelens, Nuij (y),
Nuijen (y), Nuijens (y), Nuijes (y), Nuijken (y), Nuijs (y),
Nuijt (y), Nuijtens (y), Nuijts (y), Nuis, Nuiten,
Nul, Nulden, Nulens, Nulkens, Nulkes,
Nulle, Nullen, Nuts.

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Arnold van der Meulen - Persoonlijk

Dit is een persoonlijke pagina van Arnold van der Meulen.
Hier kun je van alles vinden over Arnold van der Meulen.

Arnold van der Meulen heeft o.a. pagina's gemaakt over:
Stamboom, Heerhugowaard, Geocaching, EHBO en hemzelf.

In de stamboom van Arnold van der Meulen staat o.a. vermeldt
dat Arnold van der Meulen afstamt van de achternamen:
Bosch, Nijntjes, Noijdekenssone en Lispet.

Arnold van der Meulen helpt met EHBO en wordt door 1-1-2 opgeroepen
indien nodig.

Arnold van der Meulen is geboren in Heerhugowaard waardoor hij echt een
Heerhugowaarder is.
Arnold van der Meulen is woonachtig in Dijk en Waard.
Dat is een gemeente waar verschillende plaatsen onder vallen.

Arnold van der Meulen speelt ook graag Geocaching.
Dat is het zoeken naar een logrol in de natuur.