I also searched on the surnames for any history during
the 2nd world war.
On our family names there are no similarities at all regarding.
collaboration so far.
However, there are similarities in a victim database.
See below for example Jan Hendriks van der Meulen and Gerben van der Meulen.
Jan Hendriks van der Meulen is the brother of my grandfather Johannes van der Meulen.
Jan Hendriks was born on March 16, 1899 in Harlingen, Friesland.
His profession was Baker.
On June 29, 1924 he had a daughter, Geertje, in Franeker.
On May 21, 1927 he married Geertje van der Vliet in Franekerdeel.
From May 11, 1931 to December 15, 1946, he and his wife and daughter
were registered as residents in Franeker at Grote Hofstraat 6.
During the Second World War he was arrested by the Nazis
because he had done something.
We don't know what at this time.
He was supposed to be sent to the Saarbrücken penal camp (KZ Neue Bremm) but
before leaving Jan Hendriks became ill; Pneumonia.
Due to his illness he fortunately escaped his punishment and wasn't sent to Saarbrücken.
He died on December 24, 1949 at the age of 50.
Gerben van der Meulen is a great-great-uncle of mine.
He is the brother of the father(Hendrik Jans) of my grandfather Johannes van der Meulen.
Gerben was born on February 2, 1875 in Koudum, Friesland.
In 1906 Gerben moved from Harlingen to Köln-Hohlweide.
Probably to help the farmers in Germany.
During this period many Dutch people left for the Ruhr area in Germany
because the Dutch were better at milking and they had too few people
in Germany to milk the cows.
In Germany the wage was twice as high as in the Netherlands at the time.
I can't find out whether Gerben went back in the meantime.
Gerben survived the Second World War but after the Second World War there was still a lot of hunger.
There was a lack of trade, which caused a lot of food shortages.
The Cold War began.
On December 16, 1945, Gerben van der Meulen died at the age of 70
in Wuppertal due to food shortages.
My grandmother on my mother's side also experienced a lot during the war.
For example, she and the neighbours had pulled a stunt on the Germans during the war.
the Germans were stationed in the Dik Tromschool and had called on everyone to hand in
all copper objects in their possession to the school.
My grandmother's neighbours had a large wall plate made of alloy, but it was not copper.
It looked copper-coloured.
So it was taken to the school and rejected.
Then it was passed on to the next neighbour and the next neighbour and so on until the Germans
went crazy about it and that was the intention.
My grandmother also had less pleasant experiences during the war.
When she was 11, she went to deliver something to a colleague of her father's by bike.
Suddenly, there was shooting from a plane and she went into hiding
with a man who was also there on a bike.
After the shooting, she was too scared to deliver it.
Her father had an ingenious radio set hidden behind a wall and a twilight lamp
hung in front of it.
When the light came on, they could listen to Radio Oranje, the Dutch station in England.
the neighbours came too, but it had to remain a secret.
Otherwise, the punishment was execution or deportation to an extermination camp.
My grandmother's grandfather had a good friend who had a son who was suspected
of being good to the Germans.
That son had somehow heard about the English station.
My grandmother's father got wind of this and out of fear
he had thrown the device into the Zaan at night.
Dit is een persoonlijke pagina van Arnold van der Meulen.
Hier kun je van alles vinden over Arnold van der Meulen.
Arnold van der Meulen heeft o.a. pagina's gemaakt over:
Stamboom, Heerhugowaard, Geocaching, EHBO en hemzelf.
In de stamboom van Arnold van der Meulen staat o.a. vermeldt
dat Arnold van der Meulen afstamt van de achternamen:
Bosch, Nijntjes, Noijdekenssone en Lispet.
Arnold van der Meulen helpt met EHBO en wordt door 1-1-2 opgeroepen
indien nodig.
Arnold van der Meulen is geboren in Heerhugowaard waardoor hij echt een
Heerhugowaarder is.
Arnold van der Meulen is woonachtig in Dijk en Waard.
Dat is een gemeente waar verschillende plaatsen onder vallen.
Arnold van der Meulen speelt ook graag Geocaching.
Dat is het zoeken naar een logrol in de natuur.