Another hobby of mine is EHBO.
First(eerste) aid (hulp) for (bij) accidents (ongevallen).
Actually the hobby is helping people.
I am a member of the local first aid association in Heerhugowaard.
I like standing along sports fields or (sports)events.
If something happens I can help by administering first aid.
I am also a member of HartslagNu (HeartbeatNow) and can therefore
be called out for resuscitations in the neighborhood.
The caller first calls 1-1-2 (911 US/999 UK) or uses the 112NL app.
The alarm center then determines whether CPR assistance should go to the address.
HartslagNu was founded so that CPR can be started within the crucial 6 minutes.
Just like standing along (sports) fields, HartslagNu works with volunteers.
I can do more than CPR but the system cannot distinguish
between first aiders and people who have only done a CPR course.
Although those people have to be there too.
It's always nice when you're busy and someone comes to help.
The emergency center keeps control of who is called out.
Those who are called out then in turn keep the control to go or refuse the
Sometimes it is wiser to refuse if, for example, you have several addresses
set up and it is in the other neighborhood.
Otherwise you will only get in the way of the emergency services
who are also on their way.
Or if, for example, you are standing in front of a bridge that has just
gone up in front of you.
HartslagNu is also designed in such a way that you will not be called
for (attempted) self-harm and helping children.
HartslagNu argues that this can be experienced as traumatic.
Personally, I think that helping children is a task to support.
The system is probably unable to distinguish between first aiders
with EHAK (First Aid for Children) and persons who cannot resuscitate children.
It's a little different, but at least the most important thing is that
something is being done.
Check out the resuscitation page for the basics.
In the photo I am standing as a lotus victim, which I have done a few times on one
primary school. Lotus stands for
National(Landelijke) training(Opleiding) in (Tot) portraying (Uitbeelding) victim(s) (Slachtoffers).
It's about playing a victim to make it look as if it is a real victim.
In primary schools it does not have to be very realistic, but
what matters is whether they can figure out what to do.
It is important that children in primary school also learn how to help people
in dangerous situations.
For example, whether they can call 1-1-2 (911 US/999 UK) for an unconscious victim
and above all, that your own safety always comes first.
Although the goal is to really teach the children first aid.
There is currently a campaign by the Heart Foundation to recognize cardiac arrest, stroke
and heart attack.
Dit is een persoonlijke pagina van Arnold van der Meulen.
Hier kun je van alles vinden over Arnold van der Meulen.
Arnold van der Meulen heeft o.a. pagina's gemaakt over:
Stamboom, Heerhugowaard, Geocaching, EHBO en hemzelf.
In de stamboom van Arnold van der Meulen staat o.a. vermeldt
dat Arnold van der Meulen afstamt van de achternamen:
Bosch, Nijntjes, Noijdekenssone en Lispet.
Arnold van der Meulen helpt met EHBO en wordt door 1-1-2 opgeroepen
indien nodig.
Arnold van der Meulen is geboren in Heerhugowaard waardoor hij echt een
Heerhugowaarder is.
Arnold van der Meulen is woonachtig in Dijk en Waard.
Dat is een gemeente waar verschillende plaatsen onder vallen.
Arnold van der Meulen speelt ook graag Geocaching.
Dat is het zoeken naar een logrol in de natuur.