I (Arnold) was born in Heerhugowaard.
This is now in the municipality of Dijk en Waard.
Heerhugowaard is located near Alkmaar between Alkmaar and Hoorn.
The municipality of Dijk en Waard was created by a merger
between the municipality of Heerhugowaard and the municipality of Langedijk.
Dijk en Waard has more than 90,000 inhabitants.
According to the latest announcement, Dijk en Waard has a population of 90,733.
Nowadays, several places belong to the municipality of Dijk en Waard.
the Villages from South to North:
Heerhugowaard, Sint Pancras, Broek op Langedijk, Koedijk (north),
Zuid-Scharwoude, Noord-Scharwoude, Veenhuizen, De Noord, Oudkarspel
and Verlaat (south).
So Heerhugowaard is still a place name.
Only the municipal name has been changed to Dijk en Waard.
Heerhugowaard has no city rights.
Heerhugowaard is known for the City of the Sun. (Stad van de Zon)
the "Stad van de Zon" is the first CO2 emission-neutral district in the world.
This was achieved through solar panels and 3 wind turbines.
Now that the PVV has been elected after the last elections, it remains
to be seen whether it retains its world-famous status as a
CO2 emission-neutral district.
the PVV's goal is to move all wind turbines from the land to the sea.
Heerhugowaard also has the largest shopping center in the head of
North Holland (Noord-Holland). Middenwaard.
Heerhugowaard is easily accessible by train.
Work is underway on a brand new shunting yard for trains
and grade-separated intersections and passageways.
the railway underpass on the zuidtangent will have a major impact.
From January 2025 to April 2026, these works may cause inconvenience.
More information can be found on the website of the municipality of Dijk en Waard.
the planning up to March 14 can also be seen in this letter from Prorail.
Heerhugowaard has many facilities that can also be found in a city.
For example, Heerhugowaard has a cinema, theatre, library, polder museum,
swimming pool, marina, petting zoos, bowling alley, hospital outpatient clinic,
eye centre, GPs, pharmacies, residential care centres, supermarkets,
DIY stores, garden centres, prisons, cemeteries and a crematorium.
In addition to standard public transport such as NS trains and Connexxion buses,
Heerhugowaard also has its own scheduled services with HugoHopper buses.
Heerhugowaard also has various associations.
including sports clubs, music clubs, a first aid association, brass band association,
leisure clubs and various community centres.
Heerhugowaard also has various types of schools.
There is primary, secondary and vocational education in Heerhugowaard.
I was born in the house where my parents still live.
Also in Heerhugowaard.
Fortunately, I live close to my family.
Within Heerhugowaard I have moved 2 times.
1 time from the schilderswijk (painting disctrict) to an anti-squat house
in the schilderswijk. There I unfortunately had to leave soon.
Therefore I moved from the schilderswijk to the schrijverswijk
(writers district) where I live since November 11, 2011.
Dit is een persoonlijke pagina van Arnold van der Meulen.
Hier kun je van alles vinden over Arnold van der Meulen.
Arnold van der Meulen heeft o.a. pagina's gemaakt over:
Stamboom, Heerhugowaard, Geocaching, EHBO en hemzelf.
In de stamboom van Arnold van der Meulen staat o.a. vermeldt
dat Arnold van der Meulen afstamt van de achternamen:
Bosch, Nijntjes, Noijdekenssone en Lispet.
Arnold van der Meulen helpt met EHBO en wordt door 1-1-2 opgeroepen
indien nodig.
Arnold van der Meulen is geboren in Heerhugowaard waardoor hij echt een
Heerhugowaarder is.
Arnold van der Meulen is woonachtig in Dijk en Waard.
Dat is een gemeente waar verschillende plaatsen onder vallen.
Arnold van der Meulen speelt ook graag Geocaching.
Dat is het zoeken naar een logrol in de natuur.